Sponsorship Prospectus
So you want to sponsor PyGotham TV…
You’re awesome!
PyGotham TV is a brand new type of PyGotham, and we’re excited to have you.
Quick Facts
PyGotham’s in-person conferences sell out every year. This year, PyGotham is fully online and free to attend, and we expect our largest audience ever in 2021.
The schedule contains two full days of talks, breakout rooms, and other uniquely remote content. Talks will cover topics including core Python, data science, web development, and more. For an idea of what to expect, take a look previous years’ schedules: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014.
PyGotham strives to be accessible to everyone. Since 2019, every talk was accompanied by live captioning and ASL interpretation for the first time, and this year’s talks will too.
PyGotham sponsorship tiers are in the works and will be published soon. If you have specific sponsorship goals and would like to start that conversation early, you can reach us at sponsors@pygotham.org.